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  1. Hello,

    I searching for a opensource ECU with the use of Tunerstudio, for my new project.
    I have the following questions:
    -Can i use LOW Z injectors(if possible 2 injectors a channel) to use 16 injectors on a v8
    -Can i switch from LOWZ injectors to HighZ injectors for the switch of fuel LPG/Gasoline?
    -Can i use aldeco D585 coils with the ecu?
    -Is the case watertight or can i use silicon rubber to make it watertight?


    1. Sorry for not responding sooner, seems there was a problem with the page not letting me know there where questions.
      No low Z injectors
      Yes you can use aldeco D585 coils, its the only coils I recommend. I run them on my 304 V8.
      No the ECU is for cabin install only.

  2. Hi, I’m pretty keen on one of these.
    Am I able to buy another set of connectors and pins, so I can make up a test bench? or alternatively, can you provide the part number?


    1. Hi
      Extra connectors
      4-1437290-0 Plug wire end 34 pin
      3-1437290-7 Plug wire end 26 pin
      3-1447221-3 Pins

      I am unable to supply Extra connectors currently as stock is limited.

  3. Bought my pro earlier this year and I am finally in the process of installing it. but Isee some new features in the current Speeduino code I’d really like to use. I think my pro is running 202103 firmware, what is the proper firmware upgrade method?
    I also noticed in TurnerStudio that the pro comes configured as a “Dropbear”. Is the pro fully pin compatible with the Dropbear and should I always set the project board as a Dropbear?

    1. Hi
      you didn’t read the instructions before using the ECU?. I’m guessing you let Tunerstudio download a compatible INI file.

      The paper work that was supplied details the install procedure and the necessary files are on the supplied USB stick.

      Dropbear shouldn’t be in your list of selectable boards, if it is, you’re using the incorrect INI file. The Pro ecu was made before the Dropbear, Just happens when they released it, they used the same position in the INI file.

      DO NOT USE THE DROPBEAR board as this may damage your board.

      I am in the process of making a Firmware update instructions.
      The Firmware updater and current firmware is available on the github.
      but is currently only available for Windows OS.

      Basically the ecu needs to be put into DFU mode and the firmware update file needs to be run and it will update the ECU for you.

      1. ok, so i had been experimenting with a lot of differnet things in tunerstudio (for example, microsquirt trans controller) and I had loaded a regular speeduino ini file.
        So now I have the 202108 version as well as the 202103 for the pro stm.
        I cannot seem to get the upload utility to work right.
        I think i have figured out that when tunerstudio tells the controller to reboot to the bootloader I need to have the right usb driver setup in windows for the bootloader mode, seems that windows sees the controller as a different device now.
        next I try to run the uploadfirmware batch file. i copied the dfu-util and libusb-1.0.dll to the windows/win32 since thats apparently the batch file is trying to run them from.
        I get some lines of dialog and then a prompt to press any key…
        when i do so it all flashed something on the screen too fast to read then seems to close.
        I’m not sure if its trying to upload the firmware at this point or not, there is not progress indicator, and i notice nothing running in the task manager. Does the upload take very long? no matter what I do so far my firmware is still showing as 202103.
        I’m experienced with AVR’s, Arduinos, and ESP32’s, but the procedures for ARM programming seems a bit more complicated.
        My reason for the firmware upgrade is I want to use the PWM fan control in v202109. But I think I’ll wait for clear instructions before I brick it.
        I really do appreciate your efforts, and I love this controller.

  4. OK, watched some video’s on DFU programming and Zadig. Got it working with 202108. It would be very awesome to have this all built into tunerstudio, or as an easy to install plugin.

    1. Great you got it working, I know the STM is a bit of a pain for the update and its something im still working on. As it takes some configuration of the new firmware releases I only use the official releases.

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