Its small
Mega2560 MCU
4 Injector outputs
4 ignition outputs (Smart coils or Igniters), Switchable 5v-12v
all the usual protected inputs (TPS, Coolant, MAP, IAT, O2)
Flex fuel
Clutch Input
Internal map 250 kpa
Thermo fan
Fuel Pump
Tach output
One Low Current spare output
VR and Hall triggers, Plug in VR/Optical conditioners
Connected with a 26 pin TE Superseal connector.
Comes in a printed case as pictured.
26 pin plug end and crimp ends to make your wiring harness
price is $250 AUD + Postage.

Can i use this for a one cilinder motorcycle .?
Yes its perfect for that application.
Is it possible to get a micro 2560 with knock sensor input? At what additional cost. Also what tuning software you use?
Not on this unit, Currently Speeduino firmware doesn’t support knock sensing. It will be available, but unsure when.
How can I add this to my cart to purchase. That function does not seem available for the micro.
Sorry currently out of stock. Will be available soon.
When is “soon”? This is essentially your custom variation of a speeduino system correct? Very interested in buying.
Soon should be this Wednesday 15-1-2020. These newer ones have a couple of slight changes in pinout and a Serial 3 communication header for Dash displays. They shop will have them re-enabled to purchase once i have one assembled and tested.
Is this suitable for my supercharged two cylinder?
Yes, Shouldn’t be a problem, But does depend on the trigger it has or your using.
would this work on a 2-rotor Wankel engine? (mazda 12A engine)
Im going to say no, Yes it would run it but you are very limited to to your 4 injector and 3/4 coils (wasted spark on the Leading), you’ll have no option for idle/Boost control. I would go the little extra and get the Basic version. I am about to fit a Basic to a 13b PP so depending on your time frame i may have more details for you.
Can I program one of the outputs to turn on only when the engine gets up to around 200 rpm?
Modification in the firmware, yes. I have a solenoid set to turn on under 700 rpm.
Will this run a 2 cylinder 2 stroke with wasted spark and port injection?
First off want to say your products look great. Now to my questions, I have been looking at various brands/types of stand alone ecu’s, i like yours so far, which model do you recommend for classic autos? I’m looking to go electronic ignition and fuel injection on my 1961 corvair its a flat 6 boxer engine?
The little micro will do the job, you’ll be able to run a paired injection 2 injectors per output and Wasted spark if you wanted to go that far. I would put a crank trigger wheel with 36-1 configuration if you can, then you can do without the dizzy. I have a 1955 holden 6 cylinder that i have fitted the a trigger wheel and uses LSx Coils. We would be able to configure the Spare Injector output for single wire idle control. 6 Cylinder sequential is now available (experimental but reported to be working fine) but you would have to use the Pro model, I think it would be a little overkill for your project.
G’day, I’m looking to use your Micro Ecu to run the ignition on my blow through turbo Datsun 4cyl and enable some datalogging. For the short term will the micro accept a dirty breaker point switch as its input? This will be rough, but better than the current locked distributor. I can add a cam trigger later if I feel adventurous.
Hi, yes it can, but will have to add a couple of components to the trigger input to protect it from the Coil spike.
Thanks. Was going to throw a smart coil at it so the ECU can control timing and simply use the breaker point as a signal (switch to ground – can add a pullup if needed). This will work without additional circuits?
Cheers, Owen
Hello what is the cost of shipping a micro to Sweden ? I can´t add Bluetooth ?
Postage is $35 AUD. Ive been waiting on the bluetooth adapters, they are now here and i have re enabled the option.
Because of the Covid-19, I have to source parts locally (I can’t buy bulk as they are very expensive, so i only buy what i need until my part shipment arrives with all my stock) and our postage system is VERY slow so it takes a couple of days extra to assemble the ECU and postage to you may take a little longer than expected.
I am interested in your product to be used in converting my DR-Z400 SM. Where do I find the pinout details?
Please let me know when it is available.
Thank you.
Hi Nick.
Is it possible to purchase this from you without the 3d printed enclsure, without the TE connector, without the 2.54 headers, and without the USB daughterboard (is it just a fdti/ch340 + crystal?). Basically just SMT stuff on the board.
The reason is: I want to keep the package slim & hide it away on a custom bike, I’m willing to perma-solder the loom to the speedy. I’ll solder the BT module directly to it.
Yes I could do that. I will email you direct and discuss.
Hi looking at doing a single cylinder motorbike with 2 staged injectors and oil pump. Possible to get a single ignition driver?
I do have a 2 channel injection/ignition IGBT ecu available.
does this ECU come with a wiring harness? and what software does it use
Hi, it comes with the connectors and pins, there isn’t really a universal wiring loom for this type of thin as all makes of cars are different. Used Tuner Studio as as all other Speeduino Firmware ECU’s
hello, i have few question.
1. is there IAC valve output?
2. what firmware ? standard 202103?
3. can i have manual for this?
1. Depends on how you use it, it has 4 high current outputs for solenoids, you can use 4 injectors in sequential on a 4 cylinder, or run paired using 2 channels and have 2 channels for Idle and Boost or VVt maybe. You could run a 6 cylinder in Paired and have 1 output for the Idle.
2. The micro is Speeduino v0.4 compatible, so you can use any of the standard releases and even use the speedyloader application for firmware updates.
3. I can email you the paper work that comes with the ECU.
yes please email me manual. im thinking to use low current spare output to drive mosfet for iacv. if this work i need a few unit 😀
thanks in advance.
oh ya, mega 3.5 is out of production?
that the older model Pro that used a ATMEGA2560, is now replaced with a STM32f407 Version
Yes there is a spare low current output.
Hi how much is the price for S&H to USA?
International postage is $35 AUD
Hi, can you add a wifi module? or any other communication port? thinking of adding data to a dash.
You can add Bluetooth to all the ECU’s
Are these available yet and able to ship yo usa?
Yes they are available and we ship to the USA.
Neat product! I already studied most of the replies and I am satisfied with most of them but one:
Could I incorporate EDIS and which ignition setup should I configure the order with?
Hi, Yes you can use the EDIS, A Diode will need to go inline on the PIP signal to block the 12v as this will damage the ECU. The ECU is will be setup a HALL trigger so nothing else is needed (You will not need a VR Conditioner).
Is this still avaliable? Asking from NZ
Yes, Available from the store