
Basic edition ECU

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Basic edition ECU
Product Details

400KPA map sensor installed. until further notice.

Basic edition ECU
4 Injector channels
4 Ignition channels (Smart coils or Igniters), Switchable 5v-12v
4 HC Current output (Configurable, Default : Boost, VVT , Idle Control 2 and 3 wire.)
4 Low current outputs ULN2803 (paired for 1A) fuel pump, Tachometer output, Thermo fan, Spare
7 Analogue inputs : TPS, O2, CLT, IAT, 3 x spare 0-5v (Can be configures as fuel, oil etc).
4 Digital Inputs : Clutch, VSS, Flex fuel, Spare (all can be reconfigured as other functions).

Switchable 5v-12v Tachometer output.
Onboard MAP Sensor (250kPa)
16×16 tables for injection, ignition and AFR target maps.

Serial 3 header (Use with Accessories EG: Dash)

Bluetooth Header* (Use with Tuner studio)
Plug in VR modules*, can be used with 5v hall effect without any other circuit and both VR inputs are protected.
Superseal 34 pin connector.

Uses Tuner Studio for tuning software

$340 AUD Plus shipping, with connector and crimp pins to make your harness, enclosure, Instructions and wiring diagram.

*The one pictured has the Bluetooth and VR Conditioner installed and are available as a add on.
Bluetooth configured $15
VR Conditioner $25

All units are tested on a running engine before sending out.
Please allow approximately 5-7 day lead time for unit to be built and tested.
Every unit is hand assembled at the time of ordering. Takes me around 4 hours to assemble one unit without and accessories.

Currently Compatible with Speeduino firmware V0.4 Board Layout available at
Compatible with Speedyloader.

Please note these controllers are DIY EFI (Aftermarket and possibility not road legal).
The user must have some degree of knowledge of how a engine works and Electronic Fuel Injection systems and Electrical wiring.
As this is a DIY, I take no responsibility on how it is used and damage or harm it could cause.
There is no warranty or responsibility implied in anyway.
I will help and support in any way possible and warranty against manufacturing defects.
Physical damage, Vehicle associated or incorrect wiring will not be covered.